• Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

      Cara Memasang Iklan Google Adsense Kedalam Blog

      Kali ini saya akan mengulas tentang cara memasang iklan adsense kedalam blog.

      Jika agan sudah mempunyai account google adsense (Jika Belum Baca cara daftar Google adsense) iklan tidak dapat langsung muncul di blog, agan harus mendaftar ke google friends connek untuk mendapatkan kode html iklan yang dapat di pasangkan di blog agan .Setelah itu ikuti langkah-langkah sebagai berikut :

      1. Daftar ke goggle friends conect Klik Disini

      2. Klik Mulai


      3. Setelah itu Loggin dengan e-mail google adsense. Klis Saya Setuju….. Pada Persyaratan Layanan Pengembang Jalinan Teman

      4. Isi Name site & Url sesuai dengan nama situs agan. Klik lanjutkan


      Setelah berhasil Akan muncul tampilan sebagai berikut


      5. Klik Adsense, pada menu 1 klik asosiasikan akun google adsense

      Pilih ukuran tampilan iklan pada menu 2.

      Kemudian klik buat kode pada menu 3.


      6. Copy code tersebut kemudian Buka dasbor Blog anda-pilih rancangan kemudian pilih penempatan iklan anda dan klik tambahkan gadget-pilih tambahkan Html Java scribt. Berinama gadget dengan nama google adsense kemudian Pastekan code yang telah di copy-klik simpan.Dan buka blog anda untuk melihat Hasilnya… Selesai

      Selamat mencoba semoga berhasil

      Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

      Cara Mendapat Links In Alexa

      Saya temukan posting ini dari blog seorang teman pada urutan 9 di bawah. Ga tau sih hasilnya apa benar apa tidak, tapi ga ada salahnya jika dicoba.

      Caranya Mendapat link in Alexa sangatlah mudah, anda hanya tinggal posting ulang post ini kemudian copy link yang berada di bawah ini dengan syarat anda harus menghapus link pada peringkat 1 dari daftar, lalu pindahkan yang tadinya nomor 2 menjadi nomor 1, nomor 3 menjadi nomor 2, nomor 4 menjadi nomor 3, dst. Kemudian masukan link blog anda sendiri pada urutan paling bawah ( nomor 10). Dan silahkan ajak teman anda untuk mengikuti cara ini serta sebarkan cara ini ke banyak Situs Jejaring Sosial anda.
      5.    3r1cK
      6.    diienfo
      7.    Berbagi Ilmu
      8.    Saung Reyod Hendra   
      10.  Tutorial komputer & Internet
      Jika anda mampu mengajak lima orang saja untuk mengcopy artikel ini maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah:
      •    Posisi 10, jumlah backlink = 1
      •    Posisi 9, jumlah backlink = 5
      •    Posisi 8, jumlah backlink = 25
      •    Posisi 7, jumlah backlink = 125
      •    Posisi 6, jumlah backlink = 625
      •    Posisi 5, jumlah backlink = 3,125
      •    Posisi 4, jumlah backlink =15,625
      •    Posisi 3, jumlah backlink = 78,125
      •    Posisi 2, jumlah backlink = 390,625
      •    Posisi 1, jumlah backlink = 1,953,125
      Dan nama dari alamat blog dapat dimasukan kata kunci yang anda inginkan yang juga dapat menarik perhatian untuk segera diklik. Dari sisi SEO anda sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 backlink dan efek sampingnya jika pengunjung downline mengklik link anda maka anda juga mendapat traffic tambahan.
      Selamat Mencoba

      Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

      Setup Co.Cc

      CO.CC is the world’s best free domain name registrar and the leading provider of Internet services including – Free Dns service, online marketing, URL forwarding, E-mail and more.Co.Cc has become the world’s #1 choice for free domains by providing innovative, competitively-priced products, delivering the highest quality customer service, and by always appreciating and listening to its customers! If you want to register your own Free Domain (co.cc), then you can see Images below and follow the steps as shown in the Images.
      Click To Enlarge
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      Click To Enlarge
      Click To Enlarge
      Click To Enlarge
      Click To Enlarge
      Click To Enlarge
      Click To Enlarge

      If your domain is for personal, non-commercial use only, you do not need to pay for it. In addition, you also do not need to renew your domain.In case your domain is for commercial use, you do not need to pay for registration. However, you should renew your domain after a year. The renewal cost is $3 a year.They provide paid domain as well free domain for you. But if you want to register top domain, you should pay a fee.

      source: http://www.smashingeeks.com/featured/how-to-setup-co-cc-domain-with-your-blogspot-blog.html

      Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

      lirik Linkinpark-A Place For My Head

      I watch how the
      Moon sits in the sky / in the dark night
      Shining with the light from the sun
      The sun doesn't give / light to the moon assuming
      The moon’s going to owe it one
      It makes me think of how you act to me / You do
      Favors and then rapidly / You just
      Turn around and start asking me / about
      Things you want back from me
      I’m sick of the tension / sick of the hunger
      Sick of you acting like I owe you this
      Find another place / to feed your greed -
      While I find a place to rest
      I want to be in another place
      I hate when you say you don’t understand
      (You’ll see it's not meant to be)
      I want to be in the energy, not with the enemy
      A place for my head
      Maybe someday I’ll be just like you / and
      Step on people like you do and / Run
      Away the people I thought I knew
      I remember back then who you were
      You used to be calm / used to be strong
      Used to be generous / but you should’ve known / That you’d
      Wear out your welcome / now you see
      How quiet it is / all alone / I’m so
      Sick of the tension / sick of the hunger
      Sick of you acting like I owe you this
      Find another place / to feed your greed -
      While / I find a place to rest / I’m so
      Sick of the tension / sick of the hunger
      Sick of you acting like I owe you this
      Find another place / to feed your greed -
      While / I find a place to rest
      You try to take the best of me
      Go away

      Download A Place For My Head.mp3

      Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

      Awas, ada sesuatu bersembunyi di Komputer Anda

      Penyerang secara terus menerus menemukan cara baru untuk mengakses sistem komputer. Penggunaan metode tersembunyi seperti rootkit dan botnet telah meningkat, dan Anda mungkin menjadi korban bahkan tanpa menyadarinya.

      Apakah rootkit dan botnet?

      rootkit adalah software yang dapat diinstal dan tersembunyi pada komputer tanpa sepengetahuan Anda. Ini mungkin termasuk dalam paket perangkat lunak yang lebih besar atau diinstal oleh seorang penyerang yang telah mampu mengambil keuntungan dari kerentanan pada komputer Anda atau telah meyakinkan Anda untuk men-download (lihat Menghindari Rekayasa Sosial dan Serangan Phishing untuk informasi lebih lanjut). Rootkit tidak selalu berbahaya, tetapi mereka mungkin menyembunyikan aktifitas berbahaya. Penyerang dapat mengakses informasi, memantau tindakan Anda, memodifikasi program, atau melakukan fungsi lain pada komputer Anda tanpa terdeteksi.

      Botnet adalah istilah berasal dari ide jaringan bot. Dalam bentuk yang paling dasar, bot hanyalah sebuah program komputer otomatis, atau robot. Dalam konteks botnet, bot lihat komputer yang dapat dikendalikan oleh satu, atau banyak, sumber-sumber luar. Seorang penyerang DNS biasanya keuntungan oleh menginfeksi komputer dengan virus atau kode berbahaya yang memberikan akses penyerang. Komputer Anda dapat menjadi bagian dari botnet bahkan meskipun tampaknya menjadi operasi normal. Botnet sering digunakan untuk melakukan berbagai kegiatan, dari menyebarkan spam dan virus untuk melakukan penolakan-of-service serangan (lihat Memahami Serangan DoS-Service untuk informasi lebih lanjut).

      Mengapa mereka dianggap ancaman?

      Masalah utama dengan baik rootkit dan botnet adalah bahwa mereka tersembunyi. Walaupun botnet, mereka tidak tersembunyi dengan cara yang sama rootkit adalah, mereka mungkin tidak terdeteksi kecuali Anda secara khusus mencari aktivitas tertentu. Jika rootkit telah terinstal, Anda mungkin tidak menyadari bahwa komputer Anda telah diganggu, dan tradisional anti-virus perangkat lunak mungkin tidak dapat mendeteksi program berbahaya. Penyerang juga menciptakan program yang lebih canggih yang memperbarui diri mereka sendiri sehingga mereka bahkan sulit untuk dideteksi.

      Penyerang dapat menggunakan rootkit dan botnet untuk mengakses dan memodifikasi informasi pribadi, menyerang komputer lain, dan melakukan kejahatan lain, semua sambil tetap tidak terdeteksi. Dengan menggunakan beberapa komputer, penyerang meningkatkan jangkauan dan dampak dari kejahatan mereka. Karena setiap komputer di sebuah botnet dapat diprogram untuk menjalankan perintah yang sama, penyerang dapat memiliki masing-masing beberapa komputer untuk pemindaian kerentanan, monitoring aktivitas online, atau mengumpulkan informasi yang dimasukkan dalam formulir online.
      Apa yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk melindungi diri Anda sendiri?

      Jika Anda mempraktikkan kebiasaan keamanan yang baik, Anda dapat mengurangi risiko bahwa komputer Anda akan dikompromikan:

      >> Gunakan dan memelihara perangkat lunak anti-virus - Anti-virus software mengakui dan melindungi komputer Anda terhadap virus paling dikenal, sehingga Anda mungkin dapat mendeteksi dan menghapus virus sebelum dapat melakukan kerusakan apapun (lihat Memahami Anti-Virus Software untuk informasi lebih lanjut ). Karena penyerang terus menulis virus baru, penting untuk menjaga definisi Anda up to date. Beberapa vendor anti-virus juga menawarkan software anti-rootkit.

      >> Instal firewall - Firewall mungkin dapat mencegah beberapa jenis infeksi oleh memblokir lalu lintas berbahaya sebelum dapat memasuki komputer Anda dan membatasi lalu lintas yang Anda kirim (lihat Memahami Firewall untuk informasi lebih lanjut). Beberapa sistem operasi benar-benar termasuk firewall, tetapi Anda harus memastikan diaktifkan.

      >> Gunakan password yang baik - Pilih password yang akan sulit bagi penyerang untuk menebak, dan menggunakan password yang berbeda untuk program dan perangkat yang berbeda (lihat Memilih dan Melindungi Sandi untuk informasi lebih lanjut). Jangan memilih opsi yang memungkinkan komputer untuk mengingat password Anda.

      >> Jauhkan perangkat lunak up to date - Install software patch sehingga penyerang tidak dapat mengambil keuntungan dari masalah yang diketahui atau kerentanan (lihat Patch Memahami untuk informasi lebih lanjut). Banyak sistem operasi menawarkan update otomatis. Jika opsi ini tersedia, Anda harus mengaktifkannya.

      >> Mengikuti praktek-praktek keamanan yang baik - bersiapsiagalah yang tepat ketika menggunakan email dan web browser untuk mengurangi risiko bahwa tindakan Anda akan memicu infeksi an (lihat tips keamanan lain untuk informasi lebih lanjut).

      Sayangnya, jika ada rootkit pada komputer Anda atau penyerang menggunakan komputer Anda dalam botnet, Anda mungkin tidak tahu itu. Bahkan jika Anda menemukan bahwa Anda adalah korban, sulit bagi pengguna untuk secara efektif rata-rata sembuh. Penyerang mungkin telah memodifikasi file di komputer Anda, sehingga hanya menghapus file-file jahat tidak dapat memecahkan masalah, dan Anda tidak mungkin dapat dengan aman mempercayai versi sebelumnya dari file. Jika Anda yakin bahwa Anda adalah korban, pertimbangkan menghubungi administrator sistem terlatih.

      Sebagai alternatif, beberapa vendor sedang mengembangkan produk dan alat-alat yang dapat menghapus rootkit dari komputer Anda. Jika perangkat lunak tidak dapat menemukan dan menghapus infeksi, Anda mungkin perlu menginstal ulang sistem operasi Anda, biasanya dengan sistem restore disk yang sering disertakan dengan komputer baru. Perhatikan bahwa menginstal ulang atau memulihkan sistem operasi biasanya menghapus semua file Anda dan semua perangkat lunak tambahan yang telah terinstal pada komputer Anda. Juga, infeksi mungkin berlokasi di seperti tingkat mendalam yang tidak dapat dihapus dengan hanya menginstal ulang atau memulihkan sistem operasi.

      Cara Membuat Format Terbilang pada Microsoft Excel 2003

      Cara Membuat Format Terbilang pada Microsoft Excel 2003

      Microsoft Office Excel sudah umum digunakan untuk pengolahan Data  dan Angka, pada program ini dapat dilakukan berbagai macam proses pengolahan  angka yang berkenaan dengan perhitungan dan statistik. 

      Bagi kita yang sering menggunakan Excel untuk melakukan perhitungan Keuangan tentu tidak asing dengan Pernyataan "TERBILANG" yang biasanya kita cantumkan pada hasil akhir perhitungan, Selain mencantumkan Hasil akhir dalam bentuk Angka-angka, kita juga perlu mencantumkan hasil akhir  dalam bentuk Tulisan atau TERBILANG.

      Bagi kita yang biasanya mencantumkan Pernyataan TERBILANG dengan cara manual, kita bisa membuat pernyataan TERBILANG secara Otomatis menggunakan Microsoft Excel  dengan cara menambahkan File Add-in pada Program Excel. File Add-in Excel dan tentang tatacara menginstal File Add-In tersebut dapat anda lihat di bawah ini :

      Klik Link di bawah ini untuk mendownload File Add-In TERBILANG
      Cara Menginstal File Add-in Terbilang

      1. Download  dan Ekstrak serta simpan File Add-in tadi di harddisk [misalkan di C:\Dataku]
      2. Buka Microsoft Excel
      3. Buka Sheet baru
      4. Klik [Menu] Tools
      5. Klik [SubMenu] Add-Ins
      6. Klik [Tombol] Browse
      7. Cari File "mention_number.xla" di tempat Anda menyimpannya
      8. OK

      Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

      Cara Membuat Windows XP Bajakan Menjadi Original Asli (Genuine)

      Membuat windows XP bajakan menjadi asli atau genuine mungkin sudah ga jaman lagi ya?? coz sekarang kebanyakan orang sudah beralih ke windows 7,,,,
      Tapi buat pecinta windows XP dan masih setia menggunakan windows Xp sampai sekarang, mungkin ini merupakan tips yang cukup menarik, yaitu merubah windows XP bajakan menjadi original and asli 100%, jadi ga usa takut lagi deh ama yang namanya automatic update, pemblokiran dari microsoft, atau mendapat pesan2 aneh dari microsoft yang selalu muncul pas PC kita start up.

      Namun saya tetap menyarankan sobat untuk menggunakan windws yang asli (bagi yang sudah sangat berkecukupan,, hehe), tiada maksud apa2, hanya untuk membantu sobat yang ga bisa beli windows yang asli, dan mungkin sebagai pelajaran juga bagi microsoft coz masih banyak celah2 keamanan pada windows yang masih bisa di bobol,,,

      Tenang aja, Cara ini masih bisa berfungsi sampai postingan ini diterbitkan, dan saya sudah membuktikannya sendiri, OK lah, langsung saja ke TKP,,,
      Berikut Langkah-langkah untuk merubah windows XP bajakan/palsu menjadi genuine / asli:

      1. Download dulu Software "KeyFinder" untuk merubah Product Key Windowsnya, bisa di download di sini

      2. Kemudian download juga Software untuk mengecek keaslian windows di sini

      3. Extrack kedua file tersebut

      4. Buka folder "buat Xp menjadi genuine" kemudian jalankan program "KeyFinder"

      5. klik "options" --> "Change Windows Key"
      terlihat seperti gambar dibawah:

      6. Masukan salah satu product key asli yang ada di folder "Membuat XP menjadi Genuine" yang di extract tadi, kemudian klik change.

      6. Setealah itu keluarkan program "keyfinder" dan buka ulang lagi, disana akan terlihat kalau product key windows sobat sudah digantikan dengan key asli yang tadi dimasukan:

      7. Selesai,,,, Sekarang tinggal buka folder "tool untuk check originalitas windows" yang sudah di download dan di extract tadi, tinggal klik 2x programnya, jika muncul seperti gambar di bawah, berarti sobat telah sukses merubah windows bajakannya menjadi genuine..

      rampung dah...
      sekarang anda bisa browsing di internet dengan nyaman, tanpa takut ketahuan microsoft.

      NB: jika tidak berhasil lakukan langkah2 diatas pada Account "Administrator" dan cobalah semua productkey yang diberikan tadi hingga berhasil, saya sudah buktikan sendiri dan berhasi...

      Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

      hati-hati dengan widget blogspot.com

      ada beberapa widget yang kalau digunakan malah membahayakan. sepertinya widget ini bersifat Membuat Halaman Redirect. . yaitu apabila kita klik link di blog kita malah yang keluar bukan link yang kita maksud malahan yang keluar adalah megasite bla bla bla. ini contoh link yang keluar.

      mega site of bible studies

      Kamis, 12 Mei 2011

      5 Makhluk Bumi yang Mungkin Dapat Hidup di Luar Angkasa

      5 Makhluk Bumi yang Mungkin Dapat Hidup di Luar Angkasa

      5 Makhluk Bumi yang Mungkin Dapat Hidup di Luaasassr Angkasa

      1. Cacing Yang Hidup di Es Metana

      Jika melihat bentuknya, mungkin kita akan teringat dengan salah satu makhluk dalam film Alien. Namun, makhluk yang terlihat cukup mengerikan ini sebenarnya adalah makhluk bumi.
      Makhluk ini sesungguhnya adalah seekor cacing yang hidup di lempengan es Metana, yang terdorong ke permukaan dari dasar laut di dekat pantai Mexico. Es Metana adalah sebuah gas Hidrat yang terbentuk secara alami pada tekanan tinggi dan temperatur rendah di dasar laut yang dalam.
      Menurut para ahli dari Pennsylvania State University, penemuan cacing ini telah membangkitkan berbagai spekulasi mengenai kehidupan di luar angkasa.
      Erin McMullin, salah satu peneliti yang turut menemukan cacing tersebut, berkata, “Sangat menyenangkan ketika kita sibuk berspekulasi mengenai kehidupan di planet lain, kita malah terus menemukan bentuk kehidupan baru yang sepertinya bukan berasal dari planet Bumi.”
      Lalu, jika kita memberikan sebuah tempat baru baginya di angkasa luar, dimanakah tempat yang cocok baginya? Jawabannya adalah Titan, salah satu bulan Saturnus.
      Titan, terdapat lautan Metana yang berlapis-lapis. Jika kita menaruh cacing ini di Titan, ada kemungkinan ia dapat bertahan hidup dengan mendiami lapisan es tersebut.

      2. Makhluk Yang Mampu Hidup Pada Ruang Hampa

      Setelah melihat foto di bawah ini, mungkin kebanyakan dari kamu akan segera teringat dengan kata “beruang”. Tidak salah memang, tetapi makhluk lucu ini bukan seekor beruang, ia bernama “Tardigrade”. Karena kemiripannya dengan beruang, ia juga sering disebut dengan nama Beruang air.
      Berbeda dengan beruang darat yang bertubuh besar, makhluk ini hanya memiliki panjang sekitar setengah milimeter. Ini membuatnya tidak terlihat oleh mata telanjang.
      Tapi ingat, jangan kamu menilainya hanya dari sekedar ukurannya saja. Makhluk mikro ini termasuk salah satu makhluk hidup yang paling tangguh di muka Bumi ini.
      Ia memiliki kemampuan lebih, yaitu bisa masuk ke dalam kondisi diam sempurna yang disebut “TUN”. Dalam kondisi tersebut, makhluk ini bisa bertahan terhadap fluktuasi temperatur, bahkan yang paling ekstrim sekalipun.
      Pada tahun 2008, beberapa ekor Tardigrade ikut dikirim ke luar angkasa, dan terbukti kalau mereka bahkan bisa bertahan di dalam ruang hampa udara. Jadi, jika kita melepasnya ke ruang angkasa, ada kemungkinan kalau makhluk ini bisa mengarunginya hingga menemukan tempat berdiam yang cocok baginya.

      3. Cacing Raksasa Pemakan Belerang

      Makhluk ini hidup di tepi gunung api super panas jauh di dasar lautan. Dan ia memakan belerang yang dibawa oleh bakteri lokal.
      Cacing raksasa ini bisa bertumbuh hingga sepanjang 2,1 meter dan bisa hidup 5 mil di bawah permukaan laut dalam kondisi tekanan yang ekstrim. Tubuh mereka didominasi oleh warna merah. Ini karena banyaknya nadi yang berisi darah di dalamnya.
      Yang menarik dari cacing ini adalah kemampuannya bertahan terhadap panas yang ekstrim dan masih tetap bisa menerima kebutuhan hidup yang cukup.
      Dimanakah tempat yang cocok baginya di luar angkasa? Makhluk ini mungkin bisa hidup di Venus, dimana terdapat sumber belerang yang luar biasa banyak disana.

      4. Mikroba Antartika Pemakan Besi

      Darah mengalir deras di Antartika. Apakah ada pembantaian hewan besar-besaran yang sedang berlangsung disana? Ternyata tidak! Unsur berwarna merah itu ternyata mikroba yang berdiam di dalam kumpulan air yang terjebak di bawah lapisan es.
      Menurut majalah Nature, “Cairan ini telah terjebak di dalam glasier selama paling tidak 1,5 juta tahun lamanya. Di dalamnya, paling tidak terdapat 30 jenis bakteri yang masing-masingnya memiliki pergerakan kimia yang unik.”
      Menurut salah satu peneliti bernama Mikucki, mikroba ini menggunakan sulfat sebagai katalis dalam sebuah rantai reaksi yang kompleks dimana penerima elektron akhirnya adalah besi.
      “Ini adalah contoh bagaimana sebuah ekosistem berhasil bertahan walaupun tertutupi oleh kegelapan dan es yang tebal. Life Finds a Way.”
      Dengan karakteristik ini, maka mikroba ini mungkin dapat hidup di Europa, salah satu bulan Jupiter yang memiliki lautan yang kaya akan zat besi di bawah lapisan esnya yang tebal.

      5. Bakteri Yang Mampu Bertahan Dari Radiasi

      D. Radiodurans adalah nama bakteri ini. Ia mampu bertahan dalam dosis radiasi seribu kali lebih kuat dibanding dosis yang dapat diterima manusia. Kemampuan ini didapatkannya karena sistem pemulihan DNA-nya yang unik.
      Manusia yang menerima radiasi umumnya meninggal, karena partikel radioaktif tersebut menghancurkan DNA-nya. Akibatnya sistem regulasi di tubuh pun terhenti.
      Namun, tidak dengan bakteri ini, secara menakjubkan ia mampu menyusun kembali DNA-nya yang telah hancur.
      Salah satu masalah yang dihadapi ketika manusia mencoba untuk hidup di bulan atau Mars, adalah adanya radiasi yang cukup mematikan. Jika bakteri ini dilepas di angkasa, maka radiasi yang ada di sana tidak akan mampu mempengaruhi tubuhnya.
      Jadi, jika suatu saat kita mungkin telah mampu menjelajahi angkasa luar beserta planet-planetnya, jangan heran kalau suatu hari kita bisa menemukan makhluk seperti ini di sana. Mungkin saja. 

      Senin, 09 Mei 2011

      cara mudah Daftar google adsense melalui flixya.com

      berkali -kali anda coba daftar adsense lewat blog yang sudah saya buat , tapi apa boleh buat mbah google selalu menolak alias gatot ( gagal total ) sampai akirnya aku cari sana sini gimana caranya supaya saya punya akun adsense dan akhirnya saya temukan petunjuk yang kasih tahu kalau buat akun adsense tanpa punya blogpun juga bisa bahkan 99% pasti di terima oleh si mbah google.
      lalu gimana bos caranya kasih tahu saya donk ..... tentu saya akan bagi2 tipsnya ke sobat sekalian.
      karena dari pengalaman pribadi saya cuma butuh waktu ( 6 ) enam jam akun saya sudah di approve oleh google. di banding daftar lewat blogger yang butuh ber hari hari bahkan juga berminggu2 terkadang juga belum ada jawaban , kalau kita dapat jawaban paling2 isinya juga penolakan akun kita,,,, betul kan.
      makanya kali ini saya kasih tahu tipsnya ...

      Cara mendaftar google adsense melalui Indyarocks

      Google AdSense adalah program kerjasama periklanan melalui media Internet yang diselenggarakan oleh Google. Melalui program periklanan AdSense, pemilik situs web atau blog yang telah mendaftar dan disetujui keanggotaannya diperbolehkan memasang unit iklan yang bentuk dan materinya telah ditentukan oleh Google di halaman web mereka. Pemilik situs web atau blog akan mendapatkan pemasukan berupa pembagian keuntungan dari Google untuk setiap iklan yang diklik oleh pengunjung situs, yang dikenal sebagai sistem pay per click (ppc) atau bayar per klik. Untuk lebih jelas tentang Google Adsense bisa Baca Artikel tentang Mengenal Google Adsense.

      Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

      sembunyikan update status FB

      Tidak ingin update status anda diketahui oleh bos,anggota keluarga,atau pacar? Jangen kwatir kita bisa menyembunyikannya,. ok berikut langkah-langkahnya :



      Jika Komputer kita terlalu lemot kita dapat mematikan program-program yang tdk perlu dengan cara :

      Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

      Mencegah virus menular melalui Flashdisk

      Dengan penggunaan flashdisk
      yang sudah umum dimana-mana,
      menjadi salah satu sebab
      menjamurnya virus, terutama
      virus lokal. Ini terlihat sejak masa
      jayanya virus brontok.

      Jumat, 29 April 2011

      menambahkan menu horisontal di blog

      Menu yang terdapat pada sebuah web selain berguna untuk memudahkan pengunjung membuka halaman-halaman tertentu, juga bisa menambah estetika. Begitu pula dengan menu horizontal yang bisa membuat web kita menjadi lebih ergonimis dan keren. Nah, bagaimana dengan blogspot? Harus diakui bahwa pada template blogspot standart, fasilitas menu horizontal tidak ada didalamnya. Namun, kita tidak perlu berkecil hati sebab seperti yang telah saya katakan pada postingan sebelumnya bahwa kita bisa membuat menu termasuk menu horizontal pada blogspot. Berikut saya ulas langkah-langkah membuat menu horizontal pada Blogspot. Sebagai contoh kita akan membuat menu horizontal dibawah header

      Kamis, 28 April 2011


      System Restore is a component of Microsoft's Windows Me, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7, but not Windows 2000,[1] operating systems that allows for the rolling back of system files, registry keys, installed programs, etc., to a previous state in the event of system malfunction or failure.

      The Windows Server operating system family does not include System Restore. The System Restore built into Windows XP can be installed on a Windows Server 2003 machine,[2] although this is not supported by Microsoft.

      In Windows Vista and later versions, System Restore has an improved interface and is based on Shadow Copy technology. In prior Windows versions it was based on a file filter that watched changes for a certain set of file extensions, and then copied files before they were overwritten.[3] Shadow Copy has the advantage that block-level changes in files located in any directory on the volume can be monitored and backed up regardless of their location.

      Rabu, 20 April 2011

      Make a Pretend Credit Card

       Make a Pretend Credit Card

      Sabtu, 16 April 2011

      low interest credit card

      ts Of the most-searched credit card
      terms in Google, one stands out:
      low-interest credit cards.
      In fact, it’s the most-searched
      term of any credit card
      category, including cash back
      and balance transfer offers.
      I just don’t understand why.
      Don’t get me wrong, owning a
      low-interest credit card is
      valuable for people who need a
      credit line to manage their
      finances month to month.
      But consumers can do better,
      can ’t they?
      Every credit card holder should
      have three goals:
      First — and most important —
      pay off the balance each
      month. Even a low-interest credit
      card can carry an interest rate of
      at least 10%, making purchases
      unnecessarily expensive.
      Call me old-fashioned, but rather
      than make purchases for items
      you can ’t pay off, the smart play
      is to save up, use your credit card
      to buy the item and then pay off
      the balance.
      Use the card to make safe and
      secure purchases. In this case, a
      low-interest credit card is just as
      good as any other credit card.
      As long as your credit card issuer
      provides protection when buying
      something in person or online,
      you should not be held liable for
      any fraudulent transactions. Just
      because a credit card is classified
      as low interest has no bearing
      on the protection it provides.
      Earn rewards for every
      purchase. There’s not a single
      low-interest credit card I’m
      aware of that offers a
      comparable rewards program to
      cards like the Discover More Card
      or Chase Freedom Visa.
      Some low-interest credit cards
      don ’t even offer a rewards
      program, further demonstrating
      why they ’re not the greatest
      option for consumers.
      By signing up for a true low-
      interest credit card, consumers
      are giving up on the things they
      Low-interest credit cards serve a
      purpose in allowing consumers
      to make emergency purchases if
      they don ’t have cash on hand,
      but otherwise, a rewards or
      balance transfer credit card is a
      better deal.
      From rewards cards to — yes —
      low-interest credit cards,
      compare rates and rewards from
      dozens of credit cards in our


      So, you think it’s time you started
      looking into Aetna Health
      insurance, huh? Aetna health
      insurance is certainly a wise
      choice. Aetna is the grand daddy
      of health insurance providers
      and has a proven reputation for
      quality and reliability. But what
      important information should
      you be aware when selecting
      your Aetna health insurance
      Individual or Group Insurance?
      Having decided that you will take
      out an Aetna health insurance
      plan, you now need to look at the
      various options available to you.
      Private Aetna health insurance
      cover works well for many
      people, especially those who are
      self employed or decide for
      whatever reason not to avail
      themselves of an employment
      group based Aetna Health
      insurance plan. On a comparison
      basis, the individual Aetna health
      insurance plan offers more
      flexibility, portability and choice
      of options. Generally, however,
      the employer group Aetna health
      insurance plans are more cost
      HMO, PPO or Traditional?
      Your next step in selecting the
      right Aetna health insurance plan
      for you is to decide whether you
      want a traditional indemnity plan
      where you choose you own
      doctor but pay higher premiums,
      or an HMO (Health Management
      organization) Plan, where an
      area doctor is assigned to you at
      a lower premium. Another
      alternative is to take out a PPO
      Aetna health insurance plan. This
      is a preferred provider
      organization plan, where you can
      choose a doctor from a list of
      local approved providers. The
      premium cost here is mid range
      between an HMO plan and a
      traditional indemnity plan.
      Limits and Maximums
      Some plans will only cover 80%
      of your costs. Others will cover
      100%. 20% of a huge bill is still a
      big bill. Your probably better off
      sticking with an Aetna health
      insurance plan that covers you
      for 100% of your costs. Most
      Aetna health insurance plans will
      offer you a wide range of excess
      options. The higher the excess,
      the lower your monthly
      premiums will be.
      You may find that your Aetna
      health insurance plan comes
      with attractive bells and whistles.
      It is important, however, that you
      let these sidetrack you and that
      you focus primarily on the base
      plan. After all, you wouldn’t want
      to end up with an Aetna health
      insurance plan that covers you
      for all the small things but that
      falls down when it comes to the
      things that really count.
      Do You Really Need It?
      If you’re young and healthy, you
      may be thinking that you really
      don ’t need to fork out money on
      Aetna health insurance. Big
      mistake. When you ’re young and
      healthy is exactly when you
      should be looking into an Aetna
      health insurance plan. Why?
      Because if you suffer and illness
      or injury before getting covered,
      that condition may preclude you
      from ever getting cover at all. On
      the other hand your preexisting
      condition will certainly mean that
      you will be paying much higher
      premiums. Once you take out an
      Aetna health insurance plan,
      however, the policy remains
      largely unchanged – even if you
      develop a serious illness or
      health condition later in life. The
      choice is yours.

      Jumat, 15 April 2011

      Special Investigations Unit Casualty Claims Investigator

      Allstate Insurance Company has an exceptional career opportunity for a Special Investigations Unit Casualty Claims Investigator in Richmond, VA. In this vital role, you will be responsible for investigating accidents to determine liability and potentially fraudulent activity, corresponding with customers over the phone, obtaining police reports, and negotiating damage settlements. You will be documenting claim activity on Allstate's state-of-the-art claim system, and following processes that provide fair settlements or claim resolutions, customer satisfaction and excellent cost management.

      Hear what current employees have to say about working at Allstate: www.allstate.com/Allstate/content/refresh-videos/HR/Allstate_General_Hiring.wmv.

      Our ideal candidate has a four-year college degree, at least 3 years of casualty claims adjusting and/or investigating experience, excellent communication and organizational skills, as well as strong computer skills. Candidates should possess the ability to manage relationships in a fast paced environment, while demonstrating persistence and problem solving skills. Candidates with previous SIU experience are encouraged to apply. Bilingual candidates are encouraged to apply.

      ** Since this position requires some field investigations, candidates are required to have a valid driver's license and use of a working vehicle **
      Company Description
      The Allstate Corporation is the nation’s largest publicly held personal lines insurer. A Fortune 100 company, with $156 billion in assets, Allstate sells 13 major lines of insurance, including auto, property, life and commercial. Allstate also offers retirement and investment products and banking services. Allstate is widely known through the “You’re In Good Hands With Allstate®” slogan. Allstate was founded in 1931 and became a publicly traded company in 1993.

      Choose a credit card

      Choose a credit card that matches your life stage
      As your finances change, it can be wise to change your credit choice, too
      By Erin Peterson

      As you move from a minimum wage summer job to your first full-time job in a cubicle to top dog in the corner office, it's clear that your financial position changes over time. Oftentimes, however, your credit cards don't change when your financial situation does.Choose a credit card that matches your life stage

      That may be a mistake, says Aaron Patzer, vice president and general manager of personal finance at Intuit (and former CEO of Mint.com) "It is reasonable to change [your credit card] as your life changes," he says. "Optimized credit relationships can mean hundreds or even thousands of dollars in rewards in what you spend."

      Choose your life stage and your financial position, and sign up for the credit card that will benefit you most

      Life stage: Young adult
      Financial position: You may be scraping by on a college-student budget or making your way in the world with your first job, but either way, money's tight. You're just learning the ropes with credit, and you'll need a card that encourages (or forces) you to spend within your means.

      What to look for: Try a credit card with training wheels, says MSN Money columnist Liz Weston, author of "Your Credit Score." "If you can't talk your parents into co-signing a card for you or being added as an authorized user, then a prepaid card is probably the way to go," she says. A prepaid card is linked to money you put up as collateral. In essence, you're borrowing your own cash. Though you'll lock up your money with the card, it will ensure that you don't get in over your head -- and you'll start building your financial skills so that you won't make missteps when you start walking on the credit tightrope without a similar financial net.

      Also consider: Think you're plenty responsible with your money already? Then grab a card with an annual fee that's less than $75 and that will reward you for the things you're most likely to buy at this age, such as books, music, and movie tickets. Just be warned that your first credit card will most likely come with a very low credit limit, which should increase over time as you use the card responsibly.

      Good choices: For a good secured card, your best bet is usually at your local credit union. Otherwise, the Public Savings Secured Visa is a good choice -- with the exception of a $79 sign-up fee, there are no monthly or annual fees, a reasonable 11.24 percent interest rate, a 25-day grace period, and a promise to report to all three credit bureaus to build your credit score. If you qualify and know you can pay off your monthly bills, Citi mtvU Platinum Select is an unsecured card that offers five points for every dollar spent in restaurants, bookstores, movie theaters and music stores.

      Word of warning: After Feb. 22, under the new Credit CARD Act of 2009, students under 21 will not be able to qualify for credit cards unless they can show proof of income or have an adult co-signer.

      Life stage: Young families
      Financial position: In your 30s, you'll likely begin to juggle many more financial responsibilities, from a mortgage to child care to college savings. You'll be trying to squeeze the most out of every dollar you spend. With so many financial obligations, you may be relying heavily on credit to help you through the month and working to pay off credit card balances that have ballooned.

      What to look for: Find a card that minimizes the consequences of your debt and spending, says Samir Kothari, co-founder of BillShrink.com. "If you're still getting on your feet financially, you'll want to optimize your card for the total cost of ownership, which means looking at the interest rate and fees," he says.

      Also consider: If you pay off your balance each month, then consider a card that helps you multitask with your finances with rewards that go straight to your home mortgage or a 529 college savings plan.

      Good choices: For those working to pay off balances, the Simmons Visa Platinum offers a low 7.25 rate, no annual fees and no balance transfer fees. There are no rewards, but that shouldn't be your focus if you carry a balance. Looking to squeeze the most out of your card with good rewards? The FutureTrust MasterCard deposits 1 percent of purchases into a college savings account for your kids. If you've got a mortgage through Wells Fargo, the Wells Fargo Home Rebate Visa will contribute $25 to the principal of your mortgage every time you reach $2,500 in purchases.

      Life stage: Career zenith
      Financial position: With luck, you're now reaching your prime earning years-- and your credit cards can help you make the most of them. Many people find themselves on the road more than ever at this stage of life, whether it's to travel for a business presentation or to enjoy a well-deserved vacation, so take advantage of your time away.

      What to look for: Spending with the right card can help make days on the road a bit more palatable, says Patzer. "Travel reward cards are key when you're at this stage of the game," he says. "Often, the frequency of flying, paying for cabs and dining out on the road can add up to help pay for an entire vacation." Some premium cards offer special perks like airport lounge access or concierge service to make your trip go smoothly from beginning to end.

      Also consider: If travel rewards aren't your style, grab cash and plenty of it. You'll be more likely to qualify for cards with top financial rewards with a good credit history and background.

      Good choices: If you're willing to shell out the hefty $450 annual fee, the American Express platinum card offers some sweet deals: You'll get complimentary access to airport clubs, hotel room upgrades and access to travel consultants to plan your perfect trip. Want cash instead? The Fidelity Rewards American Express card offers a remarkable 2 percent cash back, which is deposited into a Fidelity account of your choice.

      Life stage: Retirement
      Financial position: By now, you likely have a clear sense of your finances, and with luck, you don't have any revolving debt. That means you can focus on rewards that'll enhance your golden years. Maybe you'll finally have time to do that months-long trip around the world -- or a summer-long RV trip across the country. But if you're not at home, who pays the bills?

      What to look for: In these circumstances, convenience and account integration is key, says Cate Williams, vice president of financial literacy for Money Management International. "Start looking for a card that can tie together with your money market account and checking account, for example," she says. "If you're going to visit the world's largest ball of twine in your motor home, you want to be able to stop at a coffee shop, log on, move money from your money market account to your credit card and go. It's much easier to manage."

      Also consider: If you're not planning epic journeys, you may want to use a card that will pay for pursuits closer to home, like meals out, books or home and garden supplies.

      Good choices: If you do all of your banking at one place -- especially if it's a major national bank, such as Wells Fargo or Citi -- you should have no trouble finding a credit card that fits your needs, and it will be a snap to integrate all of your accounts. If you plan to go on cruises, the SeaMiles Chase Visa offers extra points for booking cruises, spending onboard or any travel purchase for items like hotels, car rental, and airfare. Otherwise, the Citi Forward Visaoffers five reward points for every $1 you spend on restaurants, books, and movies.

      Read more: http://www.creditcards.com/credit-card-news/credit-card-life-stages-1267.php#ixzz1JeSja7X0
      Compare credit cards here - CreditCards.com

      Memilih Asuransi

      Asuransi Jiwa dan Asuransi Kesehatan sangat dibutuhkan terutama untuk wiraswastawan dan pekerja informal yang tidak memiliki jaminan kesehatan dari suatu perusahaan atau instansi pemerintahan.
      Seorang wiraswastawan seperti saya kalau sampai sakit atau cacat karena kecelakaan akan mengalami banyak kerugian keuangan/finansial karena harus menanggung biaya pengobatan dan tidak bisa bekerja mencari nafkah. Lain halnya jika seseorang bekerja di suatu perusahaan atau jadi pegawai negeri, mereka biasanya mendapatkan jaminan kesehatan yang akan menanggung biaya jika sakit dan gaji bulanan tetap dibayarkan. (Tapi tidak semua perusahaan menyediakan jaminan kesehatan yang layak lho)

      Sebelum menentukan Produk Asuransi apa , dari perusahaan asuransi mana saya sangat menyarankan untuk membandingkan berbagai produk, tipe produk dari beberapa perusahaan Asuransi. Jangan terburu-buru untuk membeli produk asuransi tanpa memahami dengan sejelas-jelasnya hak dan kewajiban jika kita ikut suatu produk asuransi.

      Beberapa tips dari saya untuk memilih produk asuransi :

      * Tentukan manfaat perlindungan apa saja yang kita butuhkan
      * Cari informasi produk-produk asuransi sesuai kebutuhan kita dengan mengumpulkan brosur dari berbagai perusahaan atau mencari informasi di website perusahaan-perusahaan asuransi
      * Tanyakan kepada agen secara lebih detail tentang produk-produk tersebut secara menyeluruh sampai detail perhitungan alokasi dana yang kita bayarkan untuk apa saja
      * Jangan terlalu percaya dengan apa yang dikatakan agen asuransi, karena mereka belum tentu paham betul dengan produk yang mereka tawarkan.
      * Mintalah dibuatkan dicetakkan ilustrasi manfaat produk asuransi, premi yang harus dibayarkan dan pengalokasian premi yang dibayarkan itu ke mana saja
      * Pelajari isi ilustrasi di rumah dengan santai dan seksama, jangan buru-buru mengambil kesimpulan, tanyakan kepada yang lebih tahu jika ada yang belum jelas
      * Bandingkan produk-produk dari berbagai perusahaan asuransi, mana yang memberikan manfaat paling besar dengan premi yang paling murah, namun cari tahu juga info perusahaan tersebut apakah bonafid atau tidak
      * Jangan hanya berpatokan pada penghargaan asuransi terbaik dari suatu majalah, tetapi anda perlu benar-benar tahu cara perhitungan biaya asuransi itu
      * Tentukan produk asuransi pilihan anda setelah semuanya anda benar-benar pahami
      * Setelah menentukan dan memutuskan membeli suatu produk asuransi kita akan menerima polis asuransi yang berisi perjanjian yang mengikat antara nasabah dan perusahaan asuransi, pelajarilah lagi isi polis, biasanya nasabah diberi waktu 14 hari kesempatan untuk membatalkan polis tersebut.

      Itu tadi beberapa tips dari saya agar anda tidak menyesal suatu hari jika membeli produk asuransi tanpa memahami betul-betul hak, kewajiban dan perbandingan dengan produk lain.

      Satu lagi saran saya sebagai nasabah yang pernah terkecoh dengan suatu produk asuransi “Jangan membeli Asuransi Jiwa dan Kesehatan Unit Link yang dikaitkan dengan Investasi“. Percayalah produk unit link potongannya mahal sekali, lebih baik anda ikut asuransi jiwa dan kesehatan murni dan menginvestasikan uang ke Reksadana secara terpisah.

      Di artikel mendatang akan saya coba berikan detail perhitungan asuransi unit link yang benar-benar menguras uang nasabah, yang membuat agen asuransi sekarang banyak yang kaya raya dengan menjual Asuransi unit link.

      How to Get a Girl to Have Sex with You

      Without this powerful tool, even the most attractive men won't be able to take women home - seduction. The average-looking man who knows how to seduce a woman will win every time over an extremely attractive man who doesn't know how. It is important that you know how to seduce, once you do, you'll have the luxury of asking, 'My place or your?'

      When attracting a woman, it is important that you bring seduction to seal the deal. Just by having great looks will not invite a woman to sleep with you; you have to show her that you are really interested and can't leave without her. It's not a good idea to beat around the bush and try tricking the woman to sleep with you. Cheesy pickup lines will send you home to an empty bed every time.

      A real player is honest and straightforward without being rude. By lying everything out for full view allows you to lure her in successfully. The thrill of the hunt comes from letting women know exactly what you want; how hard the woman plays will determine how hard he has to hunt. The use of seduction is a technique that can be used to get just about any woman into bed with you. The results of seduction are much more effective than any pickup line or beating around bushes. Follow these tips:

      * Physical attraction is very well needed. Be clean cut, fresh and well dressed.

      * Appear harmless. When a woman sees you are friendly and not attacking her, she will let her guard down, which will be easier for you to penetrate the fortress.

      * Be charming. This is done by showing her that you are genuinely interested in her and only her.

      * Be intellectual. Engage in important conversations about politics or current affairs. By showing your intellect will make her value you and your opinion more.

      * Seduce her emotionally. Women are emotional creatures. Give her a warm and fuzzy feeling. Show her spontaneity and excitement; that rush will addict her to you.

      * Show chivalry isn't dead. Women like to be treated like their special, so show the princess you can be a prince.

      * Essence. By having it means mixing all of the tips together. This will turn you into an irresistible seduction machine. You must be genuine or women will reject you for being fake or trying too hard.

      After you seduce the woman you're after you will need to keep her interested by:

      * Make her feel beautiful. Score major points by making her feel like the most beautiful woman that has ever entered the earth, let alone your life.

      * Put her pleasures first. Don't show her that you are only interested in satisfying your own needs; cater to hers as well.

      * Provide her with lots of pleasure. Giving her all the pleasure she needs will encourage her to return the favor.
      * Deliver orgasms. Explore her body to see how you can do so; even if it means going downtown.


      Sometimes it feels as though you could lay down and go to sleep before your Windows operating system finally starts and the frustration leads you toward wanting to know how to speed up Windows 7 boot time. As more and more programs are installed on your hard drive and the more you use your computer, the more memory and overall system resources that continue to get used. This very quickly slows down your system in every way from taking 30 minutes just to send an email all the way to taking what feels like forever just to get to the point where you are finally able to try and do something like send email. Here are 7 very easy and quick steps to speed up Windows 7 boot time so that you can get to what you want to do more quickly every time you start up your computer.

      Step 1: The first step is to press and hold down the Win button. This can be found on the bottom left of your keyboard between the Ctrl and Alt keys. While holding the Win button down press R. This will open the "run" dialog window.

      Step 2: Type MSConfig into the box available to the right of "open". Once you do this click on the open button to begin the process. This will open another windows with various options on it.

      Step 3: Next on our list of steps to speed up Windows 7 boot time is to click on the boot tab within the window that came up. Upon clicking the boot button, check to see how many operating systems are available and ensure to select the system that is used for booting up your system. This is only relevant for systems that use dual or multi-boot systems.

      Step 4: After you have clicked on the boot tab and chosen the appropriate operating system to use you will need to locate and click on the advanced options button. This can be located directly below the window which lists all of the operating systems on your computer.

      Step 5: Once the advanced options window pops up, the next step for being able to speed up Windows 7 boot time is to tick the check box at the top of the window labeled "number of processors". Once you have done this, click on the window directly below this and select the maximum number possible for the CPU core processors among the options available from the drop down list.

      Step 6: Next you will need to click OK to exit this screen. Next you will need to click the Apply button. All that you need to do now is click the OK button on this window one more time.

      Step 7: The only thing left to do in order to speed up Windows 7 boot time is to agree to restart your computer when asked to do so. You can also choose to wait until later and restart the computer yourself however, in order for the changes to take effect and speed up Windows 7 boot time you will need to restart your computer.

      Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/information-technology-articles/follow-steps-to-speed-up-windows-7-boot-time-2925682.html#ixzz1JeGaCRRT
      Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

      Bank BCA

      Advantage Bank BCA

      As a transactional bank, BCA offers a wide range of services to meet the specific needs of our customers. As a financial intermediary institutions, BCA has been working hard to strengthen the credit by preparing a variety of packages that are attractive to potential customers. We have a number of advantages that are key to our success in providing services that are useful, efficient and easy. These advantages are:

      1. Highly professional management team who always follow the policies and regulations of national and international banking;
      2. Human resources (HR) well-trained and oriented to service for the customer;
      3. Range of products and services that are innovative and meet the actual needs;
      4. Utilization of latest technology appropriately;
      5. Ongoing efforts in maintaining the security level of the highest banking;
      6. An extensive network of branches and sub-branches throughout Indonesia;
      7. Delivery channel options (delivery channel) wide to achieve maximum customer comfort level, and
      8. As of March 31, 2010 has had around 6710 ATM cash and non-cash and ATM Cash Deposit provided at various strategic locations throughout Indonesia.

      Products and Services
      Along with our goal to become the first choice in transactional banking, we have continually worked to expand the range of products, services and channels Conductor. We also have ensured that each of our superior products and services among customers because of its high quality and professionalism of our employees on duty to serve customers.

      In developing products and services we offer, we always consider our customers' needs are always changing. Furthermore, we continue to refine each of our products or services by adding new features to enhance customer convenience in using it. The more facilities we provide at an ATM, KlikBCA Individual Internet banking, mobile banking m-BCA, and so forth.

      For the business community, especially the SMEs, we provide a range of products and services designed specifically to meet their needs. Products and services, among others, is KlikBCA Business and BCA Bizz (in certain locations).

      We also provide various types of credit products to meet customer needs, such as the Home Ownership Credit (KPR), BCA, vehicle loans (KKB), BCA and corporate credits.

      Type Name Products and Services
      Savings Account PHASES, TAPRES Account, Current Account, Time Deposits and Certificates of Deposit.
      Credit Card Card BCA, BCA Master Card, Visa BCA, BCA JCB
      Electronic Banking ATM BCA, BCA Debit, Cash BCA, KlikBCA Internet banking, mobile banking m-BCA, BCA Link, Call Center
      Banking Transaction Services Safe Deposit Box (SDB), Money Transfers, Travelers Cheques, Collection and Clearing, foreign currency.
      KPR Credit Facility, KKB, Working Capital, Loan Syndication, Export Credit, Trust Receipt, Investment Credit.
      Bid bond Bank Guarantee, Payment Bond, Advance Payment Bond, Performance Bond, and the Center for Management of Import Duty Exemption and Refund (P4BM).
      Export-Import Facility LC, Negotiation, Bill Discounting, Documentary Collections, Bankers Acceptance.
      Facilities Foreign Exchange Spot, Forward, Swap, and other derivative products

      BCA can be proud of its strategic use of technology, and the use of sophisticated technology that accurately has become an important element in our competitive strength.

      Thanks to technology adoption are very selective, we have been recognized both nationally and internationally as a leader in application technology. Our decision in choosing the technology is always based on our vision as a leading transactional bank. That's why our focus is on efforts to maximize operational efficiency and improve our service to the customer.

      We also use technology to support the treasury, risk management and development of delivery channels which we constantly do.

      Business Continuity
      In accordance with the regulations stipulated by Bank Indonesia, we have strengthened and relocate the Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) us to a location outside the country with the help of one of the largest IT providers in the world.

      Security (Security)
      To ensure that we implement the best possible security system, we use the services of TruSecure Corporation, a company based in the United States. This security consulting companies regularly evaluate the security of our systems and provide recommendations for improvement measures to be taken. The company will also provide a certificate to BCA as long as they feel satisfied with our efforts in ensuring that our system has the highest level of security that may be achieved.

      Our Network
      By leveraging technology and human resources are highly trained, BCA has successfully expanded its network-both conventional and electronic networks, to provide the most convenient banking experience for its customers.

      On March 31, 2010, our customers can call 889 branches throughout Indonesia in the next two representative offices in Hong Kong and Singapore. Special services for premium customers BCA Our priority is also available in 130 branches. At the international level, we cooperate with more than 1831 correspondent banks in 108 countries to provide services such as instruction to pay (Payment Order).

      Through BCA Bizz centers, we provide unique services to meet the needs of business owners, such as depositing cash after closing their shops and services to take or deliver cash.

      Currently, a number of BCA Bizz has been unveiled at the trade centers and businesses in several major cities in Indonesia like Jakarta, Bandung, and Semarang. In the future, centers Bizz new BCA will follow.

      Meanwhile, BCA credit cards are accepted throughout Indonesia as well as in millions of places around the world. BCA credit card has a full range of features such as the installment of the BCA that allows cardholders to get all the goods / services desired by installments fixed in accordance with the ability to shop. Also Reward BCA where each transaction with credit card whenever and wherever BCA, cardholders will receive reward dollars that can be exchanged directly with a variety of items needed. Then Autopay BCA facility that would take care of a variety of routine bills such as electricity bills, telephone, insurance and so forth. Not to mention plus a variety of attractive offers that are very profitable.

      Various e-banking technology has also allowed us to expand our delivery channel options. Our ATM network is spread in strategic locations throughout Indonesia. BCA Debit Cards, we also received over 31,000 merchant outlets in 54 000 with terminal 126 896 Electronic Data Capture (EDC), while BCA Cash cards allow merchants to help buyers who need cash by debiting the amount exceeds the amount they must pay.

      With KlikBCA, we provide for individuals and business owners a variety of banking services to suit their own needs through the Internet. Meanwhile, for those who are always traveling, we provide mobile banking services through the channels of m-BCA, SMS Top Up BCA, BCA by Phone and Halo BCA.

      BCA has developed a wireless broadband infrastructure to ensure high-speed data communications between headquarters and branch offices.

      Kamis, 14 April 2011

      Credit counseling

      Credit counseling (known in the United Kingdom as debt counseling) is a process that involves offering education to consumers about how to avoid incurring debts that cannot be repaid through establishing an effective Debt Management Plan and Budget. Credit counseling is usually less typified by functions of credit education or the psychology of spending habits, rather credit counseling establishes a planned method of debt relief, typically through a Debt Management Plan.
      Credit counseling often involves negotiating with creditors to establish a debt management plan (DMP) for a consumer. A DMP may help the debtor repay his or her debt by working out a repayment plan with the creditor. DMPs, set up by credit counselors, usually offer reduced payments, fees and interest rates to the client. Credit counselors refer to the terms dictated by the creditors to determine payments or interest reductions offered to consumers in a debt management plan.
      Common features of Debt Management Programs
      After joining a DMP, the creditors will close the customer's accounts and restrict the accounts to future charges. The most common benefit of a DMP as advertised by most agencies is the consolidation of multiple monthly payments into one monthly payment, which is usually less than the sum of the individual payments previously paid by the customer. This is because credit cards banks will usually accept a lower monthly payment from a customer in a DMP than if the customer were paying the account on their own. Some DMPs advertise that payments can be cut by 50%, although a reduction of 10-20% is more common.
      The second feature of a DMP is a reduction in the interest rates charged by creditors. A customer with a defaulted credit card account will often be paying an interest rate approaching 30%. Upon joining a DMP, credit card banks sometimes lower the annual percentage rates charged to 5-10%, and a few eliminate interest altogether. This reduction in interest allows the counseling agencies to advertise that their customers will be debt free in periods of 3–6 years, rather than the 20+ years that it would take to pay off a large amount of debt at high interest rates.
      A third benefit offered by credit counseling agencies is the process of bringing delinquent accounts current. This is often called "reaging" or "curing" an account. This usually occurs after making a series of on-time payments through the debt management program as a show of good faith and commitment to completion of the program. For example, a client with an account with a monthly payment of $50 which has not been paid in two months might be considered by the creditor to be 60 days past due. After joining the DMP and making three consecutive monthly payments, the creditor could reage the account to reflect a current status. Thereafter the monthly payment due on the statements would be the monthly payment negotiated by the DMP, and the account report as current to the credit bureaus. This process does not eliminate the prior delinquencies from the credit bureau reports. It merely gives a fresh start and an opportunity for the client to begin building a positive credit history. Like all derogatory credit information, the passage of time will lessen the impact of the negative marks when credit scores are calculated. However, reaging an account will reset the clock on the statute of limitation (in most US states credit card debt expires worthless in 6 years). So by reaging an account, debt collectors get more time to sue you.
      While private, for-profit debt/credit conseling exists also in European countries, frequently it is provided as a social service. Often their origin lies in either government, cunsumer associations or relief organizations.[1] Examples include the Money Advise and Budgeting Service (private, but publicly funded) in Ireland, ‘Poradna’ (private, consumer associations and sponsoring banks) in the Czech Republic, Caritas (private charity) in some parts of Italy, or the local governments in Finland.
      These debt counselors provide services such as: a) administrative help in accessing benefits, raising awareness (and championing enforcement) of regulations and in correctly filling out forms to apply for bankruptcy or debt restructuring arrangements; b) mediation between debtor and creditor; c) immediate financial support; d) provide over-indebted citizens with a perspective to regain control over their financial situation, acting as a listening ear and a helping hand.
      History of credit counseling
      At one time, there were over 1000 active credit counseling agencies. Today, there are fewer than 300 active organizations in the United States. The first credit counseling agencies were created in 1951 in the United States when credit grantors created The National Foundation for Credit Counseling, or NFCC. According to W. Patrick Boisclair, Chairman of the NFCC's Board of Trustees, "the NFCC initially monitored legislative and regulatory activity for its retail credit members" and "also conducted public awareness campaigns on credit."(source) Their stated objective was to promote financial literacy and help consumers avoid bankruptcy, but they did not serve as collection agencies for the creditors. The first local credit counseling franchises emerged in the 1960s and offered education and counseling directly to consumers.
      In 1993, the “Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies,” or AICCCA, was founded, citing a need for “industry-wide standards of excellence and ethical conduct.” This formally organized the NFCC’s competition. The AICCCA was formed from the group of counselors who favored telephone delivery of debt management programs. The NFCC was, in the beginning, strongly opposed to this telephone business model, primarily favoring face-to-face counseling as a more effective solution. Eventually, all organizations practiced both phone and face-to-face processes with some agencies using large inbound call centers driven by mass media advertising.
      Not all credit counseling agencies belong to a trade organization, nor are they required to do so.
      In 2005, the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 made credit counseling a requirement for consumer debtors filing for Bankruptcy in the United States. In order to meet this requirement, during the 180-day period preceding the filing of bankruptcy, the debtor must complete a program with an approved nonprofit budget and credit counseling agency. Such a program may include, but is not limited to, one counseling session conducted by phone or over the internet. In addition, a post-filing debtor education credit counseling session is required in order to complete the bankruptcy process and to have your debts discharged.
      Credit Counseling is also a growing industry in Europe, both for profit-making debt management companies and charities such as Christians Against Poverty and the Consumer Credit Counselling Service, Britain's largest debt advice charity.
      Criticism of credit counseling (USA)
      This article may contain original research. Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding references. Statements consisting only of original research may be removed. More details may be available on the talk page. (January 2008)

      In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the number of credit and debt counseling agencies in America increased significantly. An antitrust lawsuit was filed against the NFCC, arguing that the presence of creditors on the NFCC’s Board of Directors constituted monopolistic practices. As a result of this litigation, creditors agreed to fund non-NFCC member agencies as well.
      These sharp increases of credit counseling activity also created other, more serious issues in the industry. By the early 1990s, abuses by certain credit counseling organizations were so significant, it led to criticism of the entire industry.
      A credit counseling agency typically receives most of its compensation from the creditors to whom the debt payments are distributed. This funding relationship has led many to believe that credit counseling agencies are merely a collections wing of the creditors. This fee income, known as “Fair Share,” are contributions from the creditors that originally earned the agency 15% of the amount recovered. However, in recent years, Fair Share contributions have dwindled steadily, with contributions of 4-10% being the most common.
      Still the NFCC considers bankcard companies to be one of their primary "constituents," and the NFCC website promotes the fact that they collect $5 billion for creditors each year. It also promotes their efforts to steer consumers away from bankruptcy.
      The Federal Trade Commission has filed lawsuits against several credit counseling agencies, and continues to urge caution in choosing a credit counseling agency. The FTC has received more than 8,000 complaints from consumers about credit counselors, many concerning high or hidden fees and the inability to opt out of so-called “voluntary” contributions. The Better Business Bureau also reports high complaint levels about credit counseling.
      The IRS also has weighed in on the subject of credit counseling, and has denied nonprofit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status to around 30 of the nation's 1000 credit counseling agencies. Those 30 credit counseling agencies account for more than half of the industry's revenue. Audits of non-profit credit counseling agencies by the IRS are ongoing.
      Other organizations have voiced criticisms of the credit counseling industry, often citing the Fair Share funding model as evidence that credit counselors serve the interests of the creditors over the interests of consumers, and that credit counselors are not forthcoming in speaking out about the actions of creditors for fear of losing what little funding remains. Credit counselors respond that their job is not to take sides but to negotiate with all parties equally to help successfully resolve debts. They further argue that the steady decline in Fair Share funding belies the notion that creditors are in control of the credit counseling industry.
      Another common criticism of credit counseling is the assertion that participating in a Debt Management Plan will ruin a consumer’s credit. Fair Isaac Corporation, the company that pioneered the use of credit scores, states that participation in a Debt Management Plan has no effect on a consumer's FICO credit score. However, the participation in such a plan may appear on consumer credit reports, and the client may have more difficulty obtaining a car or home loan and be denied any further unsecured credit, such as a credit card. This is because lenders often use multiple risk factors to determine creditworthiness. The major factor holding consumers back is the amount of debt they have relative to their income (the debt to income ratio) and not enrollment in a credit counseling plan. While credit card banks offering relatively low-credit-line cards may use a credit score alone to approve a new account, a mortgage or car lender typically will scrutinize the entire credit report more extensively and verify employment and income information. Some lenders view a prospective customer's participation in a Debt Management Plan as indicative of the customer being unfit to manage their finances.
      Additionally, mortgage loans backed by federal programs such as HUD or FHA have additional government underwriting guidelines in addition to the lender's own policies. HUD/FHA states their position on credit counseling is neutral and that a factor they will consider is whether the client has been adhering to the payment plan initially established through the credit counseling agency.[3] The FHA recommends credit counseling programs to those who fear being denied a mortgage loan due to credit approval.[4]
      Counseling agencies have also been criticized for understating their clients' future responsibilities during the initial enrollment process. Agencies have been accused of telling clients to stop paying creditors directly and to then keep the first payment made by the client into the DMP to cover fees. This can result in accounts being charged off during the period that the client transitions into the DMP. Many clients come to the DMP with current accounts; they are simply seeking lower interest rates rather than needing help bringing their accounts current. Since a DMP is designed for consumers who are having trouble meeting obligations it is usually the case that any consumer joining a DMP already has past due accounts. For consumers who do not have past due accounts they must be aware that creditors will carry them past due since that creditor is giving the consumer a concession on the amount of interest charged. In this way a client's credit can be damaged as the accounts unintentionally fall past due.
      Given this criticism, the industry is likely to be changed forever in the immediate future as it is scrutinized by both the consumer and government regulators over how they will be paid for the services they perform. In meantime, there will be no shortage of debt-burdened consumers who will now be facing a burgeoning, and more traditional, collection industry.
      Cautions regarding credit counseling (Canada)
      The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) advises Canadians to do their homework about credit counseling services before entering into an agreement. According to the Agency, consumers should shop around and compare services of credit counseling bodies and take note of the different fee structures of for-profit and not-for-profit credit counseling, as well as what services are offered for those fees. Consumers considering entering into a DMP should also be aware that an R7 credit rating will be entered in their credit report and that their credit report will show that they used credit counseling, a notation that will remain on the report for at least two to three years after you complete your counseling program. Prospective lenders, employers and landlords may view information in an individual's credit report, if the application forms consumers sign grant them permission to do so.


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